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Web developer, project manager, internet enthusiast, . Hi, I am a web developer and project manager, based in Slovenia. Currently working as lead developer at Salomon d. Also project manager and lead developer of web applications Poraba. Project manager, lead developer, . Project manager, developer,.
This is the default welcome page used to test the correct operation of the Apache2 server after installation on Debian systems. If you can read this page, it means that the Apache HTTP server installed at this site is working properly. You should replace this file. Before continuing to operate your HTTP server. Refer to this for the full documentation. Documentation for the web server itself can be found by accessing the manual. Package was installed on this server.
Vse fotografije na tej strani so avtorsko zaščitene in jih brez dovoljenja avtorja ni dovoljeno kopirati. Ljutomer, pomurje, Slovenia.
Spodnji graf prikazuje izpostavljenost posameznika različnim medijem v odvisnosti od časa in aktivnostih, ki jih posameznik izvaja tekom dneva. Opaziti je, da smo določenim medijem izpostavljeni točno določen del dneva. Čar mobilnega marketinga pa je v tem, da ciljno občinstvo dosežemo ne glede na čas, lokacijo in aktivnost, ki jo posameznik izvaja. Prav to pa je velika prednost in podpora vsem marketinškim aktivnostim.
Take Care Of Your Laška.